Provision and manage bare metal, anywhere

Standardize infrastructure and application management using the same API-centric, declarative configuration and automation approach pioneered by the Kubernetes community.

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What is Tinkerbell?

Tinkerbell is a bare metal provisioning engine, built and maintained by the team at Tinkerbell Community. Tinkerbell consists of five microservices: Boots, Hegel, Hook, PBnJ, and Tink.

How Does it Work?

Tinkerbell has four major components: a DHCP server (Boots), a metadata service (Hegel), an in-memory operating system installation environment (Hook) and a workflow engine (Tink). There is also an optional fifth component useful in VM and server setups: a Power and Boot service (PBnJ) that communicates with BMCs. The workflow engine is comprised of a server and a CLI, which communicate over gRPC. The CLI is used to create a workflow along with its building blocks, templates and targets.

Five Microservices

There are five microservices that constitute Tinkerbell’s provisioning stack.


Provisioning & Workflow Engine


DHCP & iPXE Server


Metadata Service


Tinkerbell Install Environment


Power & Boot Control Service